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Kim Kardashian Filed A Federal Lawsuit Against Allegations That She Lied About Her Robbery In Paris

Kim Kardashian West is fighting back against allegations that she lied about her robbery in Paris, France.

The 35-year-old reality star filed a federal lawsuit against website MediaTakeOut.com on Tuesday for three of their posts about the incident, which included allegations that there was evidence she staged her own robbery. “MTO Shock Exclusive: New Evidence Suggests… Kim Kardashian And Her Mother ‘STAGED’ The Robbery… Just Like RYAN LOCHTE!! (Here Are The FACTS)” one headline read. The site also published a story claiming “French authorities” suspected Kim herself had let the robbers into the apartment.

A later post noted that Kim had filed an insurance claim for her stolen jewelry and that “if she faked the robbery … she just committed a FEDERAL CRIME.” According to the lawsuit, Kim alleges the website cited “unidentified and clearly uninformed” people on social media as its sources.

The posts on the website mentioned in the lawsuit now read, “Removed Story.”

According to court papers, Kim demanded the site publish a retraction and apologize but was “ignored.”

“After having been the victim of a horrific and traumatic armed robbery in France, Kim Kardashian returned to the United States only to again be victimized, but this time by an online gossip tabloid that published a series of articles in early October 2016 referring to her a liar and thief,” the lawsuit states. “Defendants’ reckless and malicious publication of the Articles was calculated

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