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Two Lovers Set To Marry After 10 Years Of Dating {2006-2016}

I saw this Facebook post the other day and found that this couple Anthony and Vanessa Igbinosun who started dating in 2006 and just got married in 2016. I was amazed oh. Honestly, I was inspired but I know the probability of such happening nowadays is close to zerogrin The guy is now an evangelist and lady is a medical doctor. Here's what the guy wrote on his wall:

When you marry your bestfriend, life becomes an adventure. Don't make that mistake: don't settle for less. Don't get married to someone who you will discover tomorrow that they were not really the type of person you wanted to marry. Don't marry out of pity or guilt: marry out of purpose. Marry someone that you will not be afraid or ashamed to reveal your true self to. Adam and Eve were Unclad before each other and neither of them was ashamed. Marry someone who doesn't bore you. Marry someone whose primary joy comes from giving you joy. Don't marry someone who cannot be moved by your tears. Marry someone who can get angry with you and protect you with his own life at the same time. Marry someone you are attracted to. Marry God's best for your life and you will not regret it. — feeling blessed.

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